Toast Component
The Toast
component designed with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS. possibility to add an Icon, show a Closing button, define a Time-out, change the Position and define a Type.
To use the Toast
component you need to install the @headlessui/vue
yarn add @robuust-digital/vue-components @headlessui/vue
Import the component from the toast package
import { Toast } from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/toast';
Import CSS
@import "@robuust-digital/vue-components/toast/css";
Basic Usage
Import and use Toast
in your Vue components:
title="Toast title goes here"
@toast:close="toastOpen = false;"
<p>Toast content goes here</p>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Toast } from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/toast';
const toastOpen = ref(false);
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
show | Boolean | false | Show or hide the toast. |
as | String | 'div' | Element type to render. |
title | String | '' | Title displayed in the toast. |
icon | Object , Function | null | Specifies an icon to display before the title. @heroicons/vue can be used, or you can import your own .svg files. |
timeout | Number , Boolean | 5000 | Specify the time in ms after when the toast should be closed. Use false to keep the toast showed until closed with the close button. |
position | String | bottom | Change this to top to display de toast on top of the page. |
type | String | info | Sets the toast's type variant. Accepts predefined values (info , warning , danger , success ). |
show-close | Boolean | false | Change to true to show a closing button which can close the toast. |
Event | Arguments | Description |
toast:close | - | Emitted when toast close is requested |
Below is example to edit the content slot of Toast
Toast with a content slot
<Toast title="There were 2 errors with your submission">
<li>Your password must be at least 8 characters</li>
<li>Your password must include at least one pro wrestling finishing move</li>
Basic Toast with a icon and a custom timeout
<ButtonBase label="Show Toast" @click="toast2Open = true" />
title="Order completed"
@toast:close="toast2Open = false;"
Succes Toast without timeout and with a closing button
<ButtonBase label="Show Toast" @click="toast3Open = true" />
title="Order completed"
@toast:close="toast3Open = false;"
Danger Toast on top of the page
<ButtonBase label="Show Toast" @click="toast4Open = true" />
title="There were errors with your submission"
@toast:close="toast4Open = false;"
CSS Customization ⚡️
To customize the toast
styles global
:root {
/* Available variables */
--rvc-toast-border-radius: var(--rvc-base-border-radius);
--rvc-toast-transition-duration: var(--rvc-base-transition-duration);
--rvc-toast-transition-timing-function: var(--rvc-base-transition-timing-function);
--rvc-toast-border-width: var(--rvc-base-border-width);
--rvc-toast-padding-x: calc(var(--spacing) * 6);
--rvc-toast-padding-y: calc(var(--spacing) * 6);
--rvc-toast-width: calc(var(--spacing) * 160);
--rvc-toast-max-width: calc(100vw - (var(--spacing) * 12));
--rvc-toast-font-size: var(--text-base);
--rvc-toast-gap: calc(var(--spacing) * 1.5);
--rvc-toast-anchor-decoration: underline;
--rvc-toast-icon-size: calc(var(--spacing) * 6);
--rvc-toast-title-font-weight: var(--font-weight-medium);
--rvc-toast-transition-property: colors;
--rvc-toast-offset: calc(var(--spacing) * 6);
/* Default (Info) variant */
--rvc-toast-bg-color: var(--color-blue-50);
--rvc-toast-border-color: var(--color-blue-200);
--rvc-toast-color: var(--color-blue-700);
--rvc-toast-icon-color: var(--color-blue-500);
--rvc-toast-title-color: var(--color-blue-800);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color: var(--color-blue-200);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-hover: var(--color-blue-300);
--rvc-toast-anchor-color-hover: var(--color-blue-600);
/* Warning variant */
--rvc-toast-bg-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-50);
--rvc-toast-border-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-200);
--rvc-toast-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-700);
--rvc-toast-icon-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-500);
--rvc-toast-title-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-800);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-warning: var(--color-yellow-200);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-warning-hover: var(--color-yellow-300);
--rvc-toast-anchor-color-warning-hover: var(--color-yellow-600);
/* Success variant */
--rvc-toast-bg-color-success: var(--color-green-50);
--rvc-toast-border-color-success: var(--color-green-200);
--rvc-toast-color-success: var(--color-green-700);
--rvc-toast-icon-color-success: var(--color-green-500);
--rvc-toast-title-color-success: var(--color-green-800);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-success: var(--color-green-200);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-success-hover: var(--color-green-300);
--rvc-toast-anchor-color-success-hover: var(--color-green-600);
/* Danger variant */
--rvc-toast-bg-color-danger: var(--color-red-50);
--rvc-toast-border-color-danger: var(--color-red-200);
--rvc-toast-color-danger: var(--color-red-700);
--rvc-toast-icon-color-danger: var(--color-red-500);
--rvc-toast-title-color-danger: var(--color-red-800);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-danger: var(--color-red-200);
--rvc-toast-close-bg-color-danger-hover: var(--color-red-300);
--rvc-toast-anchor-color-danger-hover: var(--color-red-600);