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Pagination Component

The Pagination component is a flexible pagination component built with Vue 3. It provides a user-friendly interface for navigating through paginated data with customizable per-page options.

Basic Usage

Import and use Pagination in your Vue components:


<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Pagination } from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/core';

const paginationData = ref({
  current_page: 1,
  from: 1,
  to: 10,
  total: 50,
  per_page: 10,
  links: [
    { url: null, label: '«', active: false },
    { url: '1', label: '1', active: true },
    { url: '2', label: '2', active: false },
    { url: '3', label: '3', active: false },
    { url: '...', label: '...', active: false },
    { url: '5', label: '5', active: false },
    { url: '2', label: '»', active: false }

const handlePageChange = (url) => {
  // Handle page change

const handlePerPageChange = (perPage) => {
  // Handle items per page change
1 - 10 of 50


paginationObjectRequiredPagination data object containing current state
perPageNumber10Number of items to display per page
perPageLabelString'per page'Label for the items per page dropdown
perPageOptionsArray[10, 20, 50]Available options for items per page
fromLabelString'of'Label used in "X - Y of Z" text

Pagination Object Structure

The pagination object should have the following structure:

  current_page: number,    // Current active page
  from: number,            // First item number on current page
  to: number,              // Last item number on current page
  total: number,           // Total number of items
  per_page: number,        // Items per page
  links: [                 // Array of pagination links
      url: string|null,    // URL for the link (null for disabled links)
      label: string,       // Label to display (can be number or symbol)
      active: boolean      // Whether this is the current active page


Per Page Slot

Customize the items per page dropdown:

  <Pagination :pagination="paginationData">
    <template #per-page="{ perPage }">

Info Slot

Customize the pagination info text:

  <Pagination :pagination="paginationData">
    <template #info="{ from, to, total }">
      {{ from }} - {{ to }} of {{ total }}


pagination:changeurlEmitted when page navigation is requested
pagination:per-pagenumberEmitted when items per page value changes


Custom Labels and Options

    :per-page-label="'items per page'"
    :per-page-options="[5, 10, 25, 50]"
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Integration with DataTable

The Pagination component is designed to work seamlessly with the DataTable component:


<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { DataTable, Pagination } from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/core';

const paginationData = ref({
  current_page: 1,
  from: 1,
  to: 10,
  total: 50,
  per_page: 10,
  links: [/* ... */]

const handlePageChange = async (url) => {
  // Fetch new page data
  const response = await fetchData(url);
  items.value =;
  paginationData.value = response.pagination;

const handlePerPageChange = async (perPage) => {
  // Update items per page and fetch new data
  const response = await fetchData(`/api/items?per_page=${perPage}`);
  items.value =;
  paginationData.value = response.pagination;

CSS Customization ⚡️

To customize the pagination styles global

:root {
  /* Available variables */
  --rvc-pagination-transition-duration: var(--rvc-base-transition-duration);
  --rvc-pagination-transition-timing-function: var(--rvc-base-transition-timing-function);
  --rvc-pagination-border-radius: var(--radius-md);
  --rvc-pagination-size: calc(var(--spacing) * 6);
  --rvc-pagination-font-size: var(--text-sm);
  --rvc-pagination-font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal);
  --rvc-pagination-font-weight-active: var(--font-weight-semibold);
  --rvc-pagination-color: var(--color-slate-600);
  --rvc-pagination-color-active: var(--color-slate-800);
  --rvc-pagination-bg-color: transparent;
  --rvc-pagination-bg-color-hover: var(--color-slate-100);
  --rvc-pagination-info-color: var(--color-slate-400);
  --rvc-pagination-info-font-size: var(--text-sm);