Alert component
The Alert
component designed with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS. possibility to add an Icon and show a Closing button.
Basic Usage
Import and use Alert
in your Vue components as follows:
<Alert type="warning" title="Some title" />
<script setup>
import { Alert } from '@robuust-digital/vue-components';
Some title
Below are the props supported by Alert
, which allow you to customize its appearance and behavior:
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
as | String | div | Defines the element type or component to render. |
title | String | '' | Sets the text title for the alert. |
icon | Object , Function | null | Specifies an icon to display before the title. @heroicons/vue can be used, or you can import your own .svg files. |
type | String | info | Sets the alert's type variant. Accepts predefined values (info , warning , danger , success ). Learn more about type variants in the next section. |
close | Boolean | false | Shows a closing button in the right top corner of the alert when true. |
Below is example to edit the content slot of Alert
Alert with a content slot
There were 2 errors with your submission
- Your password must be at least 8 characters
- Your password must include at least one pro wrestling finishing move
Show code
<Alert type="danger" title="There were 2 errors with your submission">
<li>Your password must be at least 8 characters</li>
<li>Your password must include at least one pro wrestling finishing move</li>
Type Variants
The type
prop supports both predefined and custom values. Default types include:
Customization with Tailwind CSS
To customize the alert styles globally, extend your Tailwind configuration. Example:
// tailwind.config.js
import components from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/tailwind';
export default {
// ...
theme: {
extend: {
components: (theme) => ({
alert: {
'--rvc-alert-padding-x': theme('padding.6'),
'--rvc-alert-padding-y': theme('padding.6'),
'--rvc-alert-border-radius': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-font-size': theme('fontSize.base.0'),
'--rvc-alert-gap': theme('gap[1.5]'),
'--rvc-alert-anchor-decoration': 'underline',
'--rvc-alert-icon-size': theme('width.6'),
'--rvc-alert-title-font-weight': theme('fontWeight.medium'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-property': theme('transitionProperty.colors'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-duration': theme('transitionDuration.300'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-timing-function': theme('transitionTimingFunction.DEFAULT'),
'--rvc-alert-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-icon-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-icon-hover-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-title-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-close-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-close-hover-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-anchor-color': 'inherit',
'--rvc-alert-anchor-hover-color': theme(''),
plugins: [components],
Full Tailwind CSS alert
component configuration options can be found here.
Warning Alert
Attention needed
You have no credits left. Upgrade your account to add more credits.
Show code
<Alert title="Attention needed" type="warning">
<p>You have no credits left. <a href="#">Upgrade your account</a> to add more credits.</p>
Default Alert with Icon and Close button
A new software update is available.
See what’s new in version 2.0.4.
Show code
<Alert v-show="show" title="A new software update is available." :icon="InformationCircleIcon" close @alert:close="show = false">
<p><a href="#">See what’s new</a> in version 2.0.4.</p>
Danger Alert
There were 2 errors with your submission
- Your password must be at least 8 characters
- Your password must include at least one pro wrestling finishing move
Show code
<Alert title="There were 2 errors with your submission" type="danger">
<li>Your password must be at least 8 characters</li>
<li>Your password must include at least one pro wrestling finishing move</li>
Success Alert with a Icon
Order completed
Show code
<Alert title="Order completed" type="success" :icon="CheckCircleIcon" />
Tailwind Config
Full Tailwind CSS alert
component configuration options can be found below:
// tailwind.config.js
import components from '@robuust-digital/vue-components/tailwind';
export default {
// ...
theme: {
extend: {
components: (theme) => ({
alert: {
// Available variables you can override:
'--rvc-alert-padding-x': theme('padding.6'),
'--rvc-alert-padding-y': theme('padding.6'),
'--rvc-alert-border-radius': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-font-size': theme('fontSize.base.0'),
'--rvc-alert-gap': theme('gap[1.5]'),
'--rvc-alert-anchor-decoration': 'underline',
'--rvc-alert-icon-size': theme('width.6'),
'--rvc-alert-title-font-weight': theme('fontWeight.medium'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-property': theme('transitionProperty.colors'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-duration': theme('transitionDuration.300'),
'--rvc-alert-transition-timing-function': theme('transitionTimingFunction.DEFAULT'),
// Color variables you can override:
'--rvc-alert-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-icon-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-icon-hover-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-title-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-close-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-close-hover-bg-color': theme(''),
'--rvc-alert-anchor-color': 'inherit',
'--rvc-alert-anchor-hover-color': theme(''),
// You can customize color variants like this:
danger: {
'--rvc-alert-bg-color': theme(''),
success: {
'--rvc-alert-bg-color': theme(''),
// Also you can customize elements with CSS
'.alert-close': {
position: 'relative',
// or
'@apply relative': {},
// ...
plugins: [components],